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White Truffle Alba Magnatum

Trufa blanca de Alba

Laumont brings to the most exclusive tables this coveted delicacy, characterized by its extraordinary aroma and flavor

Recognized as one of the most exclusive delicacies of gastronomy, the white truffle owes its prestige to its scarcity and its short availability, since it is only collected during the autumn months. Unlike the Black Truffle Melanosporum, the white truffle is born wild, mainly in the area of Italian Piedmont.

Hence, it receives, among other denominations, the white truffle from Alba, a small town in northwestern Italy where every year an international auction of this culinary diamond is held for charity. There, the most famous restaurateurs strive to obtain this prized gastronomic jewel, which cost in the market can reach 6,000 euros per kilo.

The White Truffle – which receives the scientific name of Tuber magnamatum Pico in homage to its discoverer, Vittorio Pico – is a seasonal pleasure that grows underground at a depth of between 10 and 30 centimeters, which makes it difficult to collect. What really makes chefs and gastronomic experts fall in love, according to the Laumont company -dedicated to its commercialization-, is its extraordinary flavor and its complex and intense aroma but very volatile, this is why it cannot be cooked, they point out.

An object of desire that is eaten fresh and raw, cut into very thin slices that are used mainly to decorate pasta dishes, salads, risottos, etc. «Always combine it with soft flavors to appreciate all its magnificence», they point from this company that distributes this product ensuring maximum quality, aroma and freshness.

Regarding their conservation, from Laumont they recommend to consume the white truffle in a maximum of 12 days, keeping it in the refrigerator and inside a glass container. The cooling temperature must be between 2ºC and 4ºC. You can also use an airtight container that is not plastic or mud with absorbent paper or a slightly damp cloth.

You can buy them in the store Laumont.shop, by clicking here.

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