The sea on the table
They are the jewels of the Mediterranean Sea. The shrimps and prawns are a delicacy in any of its versions: cooked on the grill; with garlic, submerged in hot oil with rolled garlic and a beat of white wine; in espeto, punctured in a cane and roasted to the firewood (very popular in the restaurants at the beach in Malaga, Spain); or in salt, following the technique of salt fish.
These produce of the sea require little preparation but they do require precision in their cooking, since an excess of cooking can reduce flavor and dry out their meat. So, when it comes to cooking them in the oven (a simple preparation), we will impregnate the raw shrimps with a tasty sauce so that the result is exquisite.
It is important to preheat the oven to a high temperature and, after baking, serve them immediately. Accompany them with different sauces, a touch of lime juice, chopped chile and cilantro. Enjoy your meal!

Ingredients for 2 people
- 16 big shrimp
For the batter
- 1 cup panko bread
- 1 cup grated dried coconut
- 1 tablespoon golden sesame
- 1 egg
- Salt and black pepper
For the sauce
- 2 ripe mangoes
- ¼ purple onion
- 1 fresh red chili
- 1 teaspoon ground chilli
- 1 teaspoon of sriracha
- Coriander leaves
- Pinch of black pepper
- Baking paper
- Limes
Elaboration step by step
- Peel the mango, remove the central bone and chop the diced pulp. Incorporate the rest of the ingredients for the sauce and with the help of a blender, crush until you get a creamy and homogeneous texture.
- Peel the shrimps by removing their heads but leaving their tails. Arrange them in a bowl, season them and add a few spoons of the mango sauce. Let it marinate in the fridge for 1 hour.
- Mix the panko and the grated coconut in a tray. Drain well the marinated prawns in the sauce and pass them through egg. Then dip them in the batter.
- Arrange all the shrimps on a baking paper and bake them at 180 degrees celsius for 10 minutes.
- Serve with the mango sauce and fresh lime wedges.
‘Harmonies in Flavors and Fragrances’. By Juan Muñoz Ramos.
Tasty prawns, red meat with iodized flavors with citrus backgrounds and sesame notes. It seems almost poetic and actually it is, because the art of eating is also that, an art. But each product or preparation must be accompanied in order and coherence, either with subtle affinity or with a marked contrast.

In this case we speak of the soft and delicate affinity provided by Acqua Panna, a must-be on every great table and every day more demonstrated, since it is the perfect companion for a multitude of white, rosé or red wines, as well as champagnes or cavas and other fermented beverages. For this occasion, we opted for a great cava with a totally renewed image: a Blanc de Noirs Reserva de Juvé & Camps, a curious white wine cellar with a soul of red wine, of long aging, creamy, fresh and friendly.
A perfect duo that by joining the shrimp create a trio where each one scores a note, as if it were a musical expression.
- The panko is a Japanese bread crumbs mix and can be found in oriental food stores.
- You can replace the panko with bread crumbs. If you make it homemade, try just adding the bread crumbs and removing all the bread crust.
- The sriracha sauce is a slightly spicy sauce. You can replace it with a touch of Tabasco.